Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving feast

Well it's the day after the feast. We had 10 for dinner and the lovely wife and I were up early yesterday getting ready. We live on an island so 6 of our guests had to rise at the crack of dawn to drive up and catch the ferry.

Yvonne and I we straining the soup, making mousse, and generally getting the table and fixings all pre done as much as possible.

We began to fill our plates around 4 o'clock with a great tasting appetizer. To see the entire menu you should check out Yvonne's blog at look for the blog on the left hand nav bar.

Our meal went off flawlessly. There was not a hungry person still standing when people started to leave around 11pm. It is fun for the both of us to have new people over and see the looks on their faces when they see how well you can eat on a gluten free diet. There was not a single thing missing from a traditional Thanksgiving meal. We had stuffing, potatoes, gravy, an incredible chocolate and pumpkin mousse. And of course some great Pinot Noirs.

Today we are off to tour the island and hopefully see at least one pod of whales. As we get more familiar I'll fill you in on the many great aspects of living on San Juan Island. Take care and have a great day and remainder of the weekend.

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