Wednesday, November 21, 2007

First in manufacturing

Hello all. Say I am new to this Blog thing. I have heard about them for years and have wanted to get one started, but business has been crazy and I have not carved out time to take on the learning curve.
But now here I am and I hope you find the blog an interesting place to visit.
We can talk about all sorts of things, from eating gluten free, to living with a celiac when you are not one yourself. My wife was diagnosed in 1999 and we have been gluten free at home ever since. Best day of my life was when she was diagnosed. We'll get into more of that later.
Currently my wife (Chef Yvonne from Glutenfreeda), daughter (Chef Jessica) and myself are running Glutenfreeda Foods, Inc. You may have heard of us. We started as an online magazine and have morphed into a full fledged company selling pre formed frozen cookie dough across the Western USA. Currently we are in over 350 stores with more coming on weekly.
It has been a challenge for me, as I have been tasked with running the production facility. We started in the garage kitchen with Yvonne, a part time employee and myself. Last month we had 12 line staff, a full time artist, two sales people, numerous brokers, and office personnel. Quite a change in a little over one year.
I supppose we should keep this short so there will be more to add in ensuing days. Tomorrow is the big T day (turkey that is) and we are going to have a feast for 10, all gluten free of course. I have to tell you, I believe we could sell tickets to celiacs just to come and experience one of Yvonne's spectaculars. Actually for a few summers ago we did exactly that, but that too will be another story.
So enjoy your Thanksgiving, I hope you can spend it with family and friends. Check in and see what we're up to. I hope to talk to you soon.

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