Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy New Year

Well we're back. After a great trip seeing the children and grandchildren it is now time to get back to the old grindstone.

Went to the doctor yesterday to see how old age is affecting me. So far so good. I am trying to lose a few pounds (working in a cookie factory hasn't been the best for a diet) and I need to cut down on the salt. Oh well, that sounds pretty simple.

What is not quite as easy is finding a restaurant that serves food sans salt. At home we eat gourmet which means more calories, but even that is flexible. The doctor said the South Beach diet would be better than the Atkins diet for my body type. I have done the Atkins a few times with good results, I have never looked at the South Beach Diet.

He also suggested I eat a bran muffin every morning and I said that was not possible as my wife is celiac. His response was but you're not so what's the problem? I told him we had a gluten free household and cross contamination was an issue. He looked at me like I was the crazy one. I don't understand how a medical professional in today's society would not know that a lot of celiacs cannot stomach even a hint of gluten. I was going to give him the short lecture, but instead handed him a business card and said go the to site ( and see how well your wheat and gluten free patients can have it.

It is surprising how many people are becoming aware of celiac. Since Yvonne was diagnosed in 1999 things have really changed. I give out a card almost daily to someone who has or knows someone with celiac. It is heartening to see the change and be a part of it.

I'm not sure if any of you are aware of it, but we are now available in over 450 stores throughout the west and mountain states. We just were placed in the Fred Meyer stores in the NW in a new gluten free section. Please go out and support us. It is to your benefit to have as many successful items in these sections as possible. The stores are trying to help us, but we need to support their efforts by purchasing the products. If they don't turn fast enough they will drop them for more conventional foods.

I am going to the Northwest Food Manufacturing and Packaging Exposition in Portland, Oregon this weekend. It should be interesting. I'll try to take a few photos and report on it when I return.

If you have any questions, please post them and I'll do my best to get an answer back to you.


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